HUTAGAOL Advocates & Legal Counsellors is a Law Firm located in Jakarta, Indonesia.
This firm was founded by Henry D. Hutagaol to provide a legal service and legal protection for individuals and groups based on the Constitution, Human Rights, and State of Law (
Rechtsstaat) principles. Apart from providing commercial legal service, we are actively engaged with governmental actors in the legislative drafting process as our commitment to strive for legal certainty and social justice.
Our firm focus on these specific areas:
- Law and Technology, Cyber Law, Personal Data Protection.
- Administrative Court (Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara);
- Judicial Review (Uji Materi dan Uji Formil);
- Legislative Drafting (Perancangan Peraturan);
- Tax Litigation (Sengketa Pajak);
- State Financial Law;
- State-owned Enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik Negara);
- Private and Commercial Litigation;
- Criminal Litigation.
Our firm is supported by experienced legal experts who are actively involved in legal practices and academics. With our unique experience and engagement, we believe, we will provide the best legal solution for our clients.